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    Quick Restart TASKBAR2 ALPHA

    Taskbar2 is new StartAllBack (partially) recreated taskbar prototype.
    It's not a product and is for testing only.

    Task buttons:
    - Better: ungrouped icons are pixel-perfect if possible
    - Different: does not depend on immersive shell / shows faster
    - Different: no horizontal 1px padding; no drag&drop to pin to apps

    - Better: can be rearranged with drag and drop
    - Different: list of windows overflows into multiple columns, not scrolling
    - Different: animation, Win7 design, Snap Groups / Window sharing / Toolbar design

    Alpha Milestone 1 limitations:
    - No multi-monitor taskbars
    - No perks (centered, segmented ex.)
    - Still totally depends on classic taskbar code

    Those to be researched later. Expect major degradations or never shipping at all.
    Please stay strictly on topic. Do regression testing (compare with existing classic taskbar)

    Functionality checklist
    Task icons
    Enumeration of existing; adding, removing classic/uwp apps; AppID, title, icon task update reflection
    Virtual desktop filter toggling / switching
    Enumeration of existing pins; pinning via other UI; pinning via drag & drop; unpinning from other UI, jumplist, if shortcut deleted; policy preventing pinned apps
    Reordering by dragging: single / multiple rows
    Click to activate/minimize; combined button click shows thumbnails
    Ctrl+clicking group or LastActiveClick registry key switches between combined button tasks
    Shift+clicking button or middle-clicking launches new app instance; ctrl+shift+clicking group launches elevated app elevated
    Right-click, dragout: show jump list
    Shift+right-click: window system menu or shortcut context menu

    Layout: all combinations
    Different icon size / padding / screen DPI / metrics
    Vertical / horizontal layout on different screen edges
    Multiple horizontal rows: filling each visible row with maximum density
    Different visible / total rows: scrolling and scrollbar position
    Combined/auto-combined/uncombined behavior

    Task list extensibility
    Overlay icons + badges on uwp apps: grouped/grouped
    Progress bar: paused/error/normal/indeterminate; grouped/ungrouped
    Window flashing: depends on caret blinking speed
    Custom windows added or removed to list; alternate activation windows (Office < 2013?)

    Thumbnails are shown after ExtendedUIHoverTime (default hover time)
    Thumbnails are used when there are less than NumThumbnails (16) tasks
    Thumbnails are sized according to display aspect ratio no bigger than MaxThumbSizePx (200)
    Hover thumbnails should close if any key is pressed
    Click to activate window; press-and-move to rearrange
    Right-click for system menu
    Close with red button or middle-button click
    Window tabs (IE? VMWare?): active tab, tab order/switching/thumbnails
    Thumbnail toolbars: lot of rarely used behaviors; special media toolbars for UWP apps
    Snap groups: activation, closing, group context menu
    Window sharing (webex/Teams): not for groups or tabs
    Hover for Aero Peek: shows if DisablePreviewWindow(0) is not 0 after ThumbnailLivePreviewHoverTime(250) initial hover

    Win+{number}: same as click with one-window button; switch between tasks while help
    Alt+Win+{number}: show jumplist
    Shift+Win+{number}: launch new apps instance
    Win+(Shift)+T, F6/Tab/keyboard arrows/space/enter: navigate between icons and thumbnails
    Accessibility: Narrator / automation

    Drop file over icon / thumbnail to activate window
    Animations: open/close, collapse/expand, hover, launch feedback, added to group, flashing, progress bar, move from icons to thumbnails
    Taskbar on virtual desktop switching animation (unfinished)
    Fullscreen classic / uwp app behavior

    Attached Files
    • File Type: 7z T2.7z (1.94 MB, 39 views)


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