Quote Originally Posted by Donkuz View Post
OK so for the Title Bars, on WSB in the Colors Globals section and select the Text and glow background from there for your tile bars. OK for the Caption Bar, go to Fonts and System Metrics and the highlighted props are the Active and Inactive you may have to try Different Colors if it dont work windows is a bit picky about what colors you use herefor some reason. OK I hope this Helps Mate,
Much appreciated! Now I completely understand why I couldn't find it myself.

This appears to be a really tricky one...

It's almost as if there's a value somewhere in the style file that limits what colors I'm able to set for these two properties.

If I choose a color for "CaptionText" that's too bright, it automatically defaults to something dark. If I choose a color for "InactiveCaptionText" that's too dark, it automatically defaults to something bright.

"CaptionText" is the most relevant for me and anything above 128,128,128 doesn't seem to work. The red color you're using in your screen seems to work fine, though. This is probably going to take some trial and error to get working. At least now I know where to focus my attention, so thanks a lot for that.